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Performance certificates - Dermabit®

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    Dermabit® Waterproofing Membranes

    Dermabit® - Dermabit® Extra - Casali Dermabit® Extra

    Elastoplastomeric membrane based on bitumen modified with APAO polymers (Amorphous Poly Alpha Olefins)

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    Dermabit® FF Liber 250

    APP-EQ professional membrane for single layer application under heavy protection

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    Dermabit® FireOff.

    Elastoplastomeric membrane (BPP-APAO) flame retardant, certified to EN 1187-2 in class Broof T2 (EN 13501-5:2005)

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    Dermabit® T Classiko 250

    APP-EQ professional membrane for single layer application

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